Research Papers
of Nic Carayol
Papers by reverse
chronological order
(See below for an entry by subject)
Carayol N., Jackson M. O., Finding the Wise and the Wisdom in a Crowd: Simultaneously Estimating the Underlying Qualities of Raters and Items from a Series of Reviews [paper] (Last version: September 2023), Economic Journal 134 (663), 2712-2745.
• Carayol N., Henry, E., Lanoe, M., Stimulating Collaborations? Evidence from a Research Cluster Policy [paper] (Last version: Nov 2022), Forthcoming in The Review of Economics and Statistics.
• Scanff A., Mauhe, N., Taburet, M., Savourat, P-E., Clement, T., Bastian, B., Cristea, I., Braillon, A., Carayol, N., Naudet, F., The "Free lunches" index for assessing academics. - A not entirely serious proposal,[paper], Published in Scientometrics 128 (12), 6761-6772.
• Carayol N., Carpentier, E., P. Roux, Research Grants and Scientists' Inventions[paper] (Last version: Nov 2022), Annals of Economics and Statistics 153, 5-38.
• Carayol, N., Maublanc F., Can Money Buy Scientific Leadership? The Impact of Excellence Programs on German and French Universities, Forthcoming in Research Policy. [paper] (Last version: November 2024).
• Carayol N., Carpentier, E., The Spread of Academic Invention: A Nationwide Case Study on French Data (1995-2012) [paper] (Last version: June 2020), published in Journal of Technology Transfer 47 (5), 1395-1421.
• Carayol N., Lahatte A.,
Llopis O., The Right Job and the Job Right: Novelty, Impact and Journal Stratification in Science, [paper] (Last
version: Mars 2019).
• Carayol N., Lanoe M., The
Impact of Project-Based Funding in Science: Lessons from the ANR Experience,
[paper], (Last
version: 2019), [supplementary_material].
• Carayol N., Sterzi V.,
The transfer and value of academic inventions when the TTO is one option, [paper],
(Revised version: July 2019), Published in the Journal of Economics and Management Strategy Journal of Economics & Management Strategy 30 (2), 338-367.
• Carayol N., Berge L., Cassi L., Roux P., Unintended closure in social
networks. The strategic formation of research collaborations among French inventors, [paper], published
in Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 163, 218-238.
• Berge, L., Carayol
N., Roux, P., How do inventor networks affect urban invention? [paper].
Published in Regional Science and Urban Economics 2018.
• Carayol N., Lahatte
A., Comparing and Ranking Universities when Quantity and Quality both Matter,
[paper], (Last
Version: Feb 2017), revise and resubmit for
the Journal of Informetrics.
• Carayol N., Delille
R., Vannetelbosch V., Allocating value among farsighted players in network
formation [paper],
published in Economics Letters 2015.
• Carayol N., Filliatreau G., Lahatte A., Impact,
dominance et classements des universites, [paper], Published in Revue Economique 2015.
• Carayol N., Filliatreau
G., Lahatte A., Reference classes: A tool for benchmarking universities
research, [paper] Published in Scientometrics 2012.
• Carayol N., Cassi L.,
Who's who in patents. A bayesian approach, [paper] (Last version: May 2009).
• Carayol N., Roux P.,
Knowledge flows and the geography of networks. A strategic model of small
world formation, with P. Roux, [paper] published
in Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 2009.
• Carayol N., Roux P., The
strategic formation of inter-individual collaboration networks. Evidence from
co-invention patterns, [paper],
published in Annals of Economics and Statistics 2008.
• Carayol N., Roux P.,
Yildizoglu M., Inefficiencies in a model of spatial networks formation with
positive externalities, [paper],
published in Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 2008.
• Carayol N., Roux P.,
Yildizoglu M., In search of efficient network structures: The needle in the
haystack, [paper],
published in Review of Economic Design 2008.
• Carayol N., An economic
theory of academic competition: Dynamic incentives and endogenous cumulative
advantages, [paper],
published in Conferences in New Political Economy 2008.
• Carayol N., Academic
incentives and research organization for patenting at a large French
university, [paper], published
in Economics of Innovation and New Technologies, 2007.
• Carayol N., Dalle
J-M., Sequential problem choice and the reward system in Open Science, [paper],
published in Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 2007.
• Boumahdi R., Carayol N.,
Llerena P., The private contractual funding of academic laboratories: A panel
data analysis, with , [paper], published
in Applied Economic Letters 2007.
• Carayol N., Optimal
Dynamic Incentives in the Academic Competition, [paper], (Last
Version: Feb. 2006).
• Carayol N., Les proprietes incitatives de l'effet
Saint-Matthieu dans la competition academique, [paper],
published in Revue Economique, 2006.
• Boumahdi R., Carayol N.,
Public and private funding of academic laboratories: Crowding out evidence
from a large European research university, [paper], (Last
Version: Feb. 2006).
• Azagra-Caro J., Carayol
N., Llerena P., Patent production of a European research university: Evidence
at the laboratory level , [paper], published
in Journal of Technology Transfer 2006.
• Carayol N., Matt M.,
Individual and collective determinants of academic scientists' productivity, [paper], published
in Information Economics and Policy 2006.
• Carayol N., Thi T., Why do
academic scientists engage in Interdisciplinary research?, [paper],
published in Research Evaluation, 2005.
Carayol N., Roux P., `Collective
innovation' in a model of network formation with preferential meeting, with
P. Roux, [paper], published in Springer Lecture Notes in Economics and
Mathematical Systems 2005.
• Carayol N., Roux P.,
Self-organizing innovation networks: When do Small Worlds emerge? with
Pascale Roux [paper],
published in European Journal of Economic and Social Systems 2005.
• Carayol N., Roux P.,
Behavioral foundations and equilibrium notions for social network formation
processes, with P. Roux, [paper], published
in Advances in Complex Systems 2004.
• Carayol N., Matt M., Does
research organization influence academic production? Laboratory level evidence
from a large European university, [paper], published
in Research Policy 2004.
• Carayol N., Matt M., The
exploitation of complementarities in the scientific production process at the
laboratory level, [paper], published
in Technovation 2004.
• Carayol
N., Objectives, agreements and matching in science-industry
collaborations: Reassembling the pieces of the puzzle [paper], published
in Research Policy 2003.
Papers by
research domains
Most of my papers are part
of my two main domains of interest:
1 Economics of science, and 2
Social and economic networks.
1 The Economics
of Science
• Scanff A., Mauhe, N., Taburet, M., Savourat, P-E., Clement, T., Bastian, B., Cristea, I., Braillon, A., Carayol, N., Naudet, F., The "Free lunches" index for assessing academics. - A not entirely serious proposal,[paper], Published in Scientometrics.
• Carayol N., Carpentier, E., P. Roux, Research Grants and Scientists' Inventions [paper] (Last version: Nov 2022), Published in Annals of Economics and Statistics.
• Carayol, N., Maublanc F., Can Money Buy Scientific Leadership? The Impact of Excellence Programs on German and French Universities, Forthcoming in Research Policy. [paper] (Last version: November 2023).
• Carayol N., Carpentier, E., The Spread of Academic Invention: A Nationwide Case Study on French Data (1995-2012) [paper] (Last version: June 2020), published in Journal of Technology Transfer.
• Carayol N., Henry, E., Lanoe, M., Stimulating Collaborations? Evidence from a Research Cluster Policy [paper] (Last version: Nov 2022), Forthcoming in The Review of Economics and Statistics.
• Carayol N., Lahatte A.,
Llopis O., The Right Job and the Job Right: Novelty, Impact and Journal Stratification in Science, [paper] (Last
version: Mars 2019).
• Carayol N., Lanoe M., The
Impact of Project-Based Funding in Science: Lessons from the ANR Experience,
[paper], (Last
version: 2018), [supplementary_material].
• Carayol N., Lanoe M., The
Impact of Blue Sky Project Based Funding of Academic Research, [paper],
(Last version: May 2013).
• Carayol N., Sterzi V., The transfer and value of academic inventions when the TTO is one option, [paper],
(Revised version: July 2019), published in the Journal of Economics and Management Strategy 30 (2), 338-367.
• Carayol N., Lahatte
A., Comparing and Ranking Universities when Quantity and Quality both Matter,
[paper], (Last
Version: Feb 2017), under revision for the Journal
of Informetrics.
• Carayol N., Filliatreau
G., Lahatte A., Reference classes: A tool for benchmarking universities
research, [paper] Published in Scientometrics 2012.
• Carayol N., Filliatreau G., Lahatte A., Impact,
dominance et classements des universites, [paper], Published in Revue Economique 2015.
• Carayol N., An economic
theory of academic competition: Dynamic incentives and endogenous cumulative
advantages, [paper],
published in Conferences in New Political Economy 2008.
• Carayol N., Academic
incentives and research organization for patenting at a large French
university, [paper], published
in Economics of Innovation and New Technologies, 2007.
• Carayol N., Dalle
J-M., Sequential problem choice and the reward system in Open Science, [paper],
published in Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 2007.
• Boumahdi R., Carayol N.,
Llerena P., The private contractual funding of academic laboratories: A panel
data analysis, with , [paper], published
in Applied Economic Letters 2007.
• Carayol N., Optimal
Dynamic Incentives in the Academic Competition, [paper], (Last
Version: Feb. 2006).
• Carayol N., Les proprietes incitatives de l'effet
Saint-Matthieu dans la competition academique, [paper],
published in Revue Economique, 2006.
• Boumahdi R., Carayol N.,
Public and private funding of academic laboratories: Crowding out evidence
from a large European research university, [paper], (Last
Version: Feb. 2006).
• Azagra-Caro J., Carayol
N., Llerena P., Patent production of a European research university: Evidence
at the laboratory level , [paper], published
in Journal of Technology Transfer 2006.
• Carayol N., Matt M.,
Individual and collective determinants of academic scientists' productivity, [paper], published
in Information Economics and Policy 2006.
• Carayol N., Thi T., Why do
academic scientists engage in Interdisciplinary research?, [paper],
published in Research Evaluation, 2005.
• Carayol N., Matt M., Does
research organization influence academic production? Laboratory level
evidence from a large European university, [paper], published
in Research Policy 2004.
• Carayol N., Matt M., The
exploitation of complementarities in the scientific production process at the
laboratory level, [paper], published
in Technovation 2004.
• Carayol N., Objectives,
agreements and matching in science-industry collaborations: Reassembling the
pieces of the puzzle [paper], published
in Research Policy 2003.
2 Social and
economic networks
• Carayol N., Henry, E., Lanoe, M., Stimulating Collaborations? Evidence from a Research Cluster Policy [paper] (Last version: Nov 2022), Forthcoming in The Review of Economics and Statistics.
• Carayol N., Berge L.,
Cassi L., Roux P., Unintended closure in social networks. The strategic
formation of research collaborations among French inventors, [paper], published
in Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 2019.
• Berge, L., Carayol
N., Roux, P., How do inventor networks affect urban invention? [paper], (Revised
version version: Mar 2018). Published in Regional Science and Urban Economics.
• Carayol N., Delille
R., Vannetelbosch V., Allocating value among farsighted players in network
formation [paper],
published in Economics Letters 2015.
• Carayol N., Cassi L.,
Who's who in patents. A bayesian approach, [paper] (Last version: May 2009).
• Carayol N., Roux P.,
Knowledge flows and the geography of networks. A strategic model of small
world formation, with P. Roux, [paper] published
in Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 2009.
• Carayol N., Roux P., The
strategic formation of inter-individual collaboration networks. Evidence from
co-invention patterns, [paper],
published in Annals of Economics and Statistics 2008.
• Carayol N., Roux P.,
Yildizoglu M., Inefficiencies in a model of spatial networks formation with
positive externalities, [paper],
published in Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 2008.
• Carayol N., Roux P.,
Yildizoglu M., In search of efficient network structures: The needle in the
haystack, [paper],
published in Review of Economic Design 2008.
• Carayol N., Roux P.,
`Collective innovation' in a model of network formation with preferential
meeting, with P. Roux, [paper],
published in Springer Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems
• Carayol N., Roux P.,
Self-organizing innovation networks: When do Small Worlds emerge? with
Pascale Roux [paper],
published in European Journal of Economic and Social Systems 2005.
• Carayol N., Roux P.,
Behavioral foundations and equilibrium notions for social network formation
processes, with P. Roux, [paper], published
in Advances in Complex Systems 2004.
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